Flexible packaging is relatively new to the packaging market. In fact, it is a container made from flexible materials such as paper, plastic or aluminum foil. Thus, its shape changes once produced or filled. These can be sachets, small or large pouches or even rolls which are customizable.

doy pack
flexible packaging

This type of packaging has taken off in recent times due to its advantage of being more economical, more environmentally friendly and more easily adaptable to the product. In addition, it is particularly used in the food and cosmetics industries which themselves are developing at sustained rates. Furthermore, 60% of all packaging is used in the food industry and within these products 90% are packaged in flexible packaging. When we know that the packaging market all together represents 1 trillion dollars annually…we realize the important part of flexible. The forecast for 2028 is that liquid packaging will reach $462 billion according to the “Liquid Packaging Market Report”
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It is common to offer a bottle of wine when you are invited to a dinner, an event with family or with friends. However, usually the choice is difficult because the isles of supermarkets are offering hundreds of references very distinct but all at once very similar.

What is the key element while buying a bottle of wine?

It is the label of the bottle of wine in question; the consumer’s final decision is done in seconds and is based 80% on the look of the bottle, therefore from the label itself.
Since the law ‘Evin’, created on January 1991 in France, regulate the publicity of alcohol and does allow it in only certain media and through patronage.

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The climate change

The ecological emergency has become more prominent in recent years, with the introduction of daily essentials actions for the sake of our planet. First of all, at a political level with the creation of the 2015 Paris Agreement or the conduct of the G20 summit in Japan the 28th and 29th of June 2019, concerning the environment.

It is clear that by now the use of plastic is not as well perceived as in the past, in practical terms since the 50’s there are no less than 9 billion tons of plastic which have been produced : the equivalent of more than 80 million whales.

Nevertheless, companies are still reluctant to take a step towards this more ecological solution of industrial primary and secondary packaging, against a backdrop of dilemma between profitability and environmental impact.

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Christmas season just passed but that does not mean that packaging trends are over. It is just the beginning. All year long there are celebrations of all kinds and if your business does not use these opportunities to build strong relationships with the clients, you better have a plan B for making your brand stand out.

You may be a small business owner, a small startup or a cosmetic brand, but still need to consider theses 5 major trends in packaging for 2018.

Nowadays marketing is mostly oriented towards younger audiences. Not mainly but let’s say that it is a big portion. Clothing, cosmetics, beauty products – there is no minimum age at which people get exposed to all sorts of advertisement. And while methods haven’t changed a lot, the audience has definitely evolved.

1.Eco / Environmental friendly packaging

Millennials as well as the Z generation are quickly adapting to new ways of social interaction. Along goes their opinion on environmental questions such as the global warming. They’ve become more and more aware of the negative imprint humanity has left on the environment and demand new ways and new types of packaging – eco-friendly and bio degradable. They don’t scream it out loud but they will most likely prefer a natural looking packaging because it seems easier to recycle and they have strong opinions and convictions.

food packaging
food packaging

This is why no matter what business activity you’re in, you need to come up with innovative packaging ideas – a packaging that is cheap to produce, but also respectful of the environment and catchy for the eye. It seems like a hard thing to do, but in reality you only need a graphic designer, a trustworthy printing supplier who will advise you on papers and a bit of imagination. Remember – less is more.

2. The trend is “Less is more”

2018 will continue the trend of minimalistic and clean designs. You don’t need to put a ton of colors, details or prints in your packaging. It can be classy, beautiful and simple at the same time. It should send a clear message to the client so that your brands’ colors could be easily recognizable.

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You start a business, you create your products and start selling them. You invest in marketing, advertisement campaigns and events in order to reach more people and potential customers and finally it starts to pay off.

Orders start to rain and packages must be sent everywhere around the world. This is probably the most crucial part of the process of selling. It is the moment when your product reaches the customer. And it has to be intact, it has to be perfect.

Why the packaging is that important?

The unboxing part has become a critical part of the customer experience. It has been highlighted in the recent years as more and more people start to film the process. Why you ask? Remember the times when you used to believe in Santa Clause and the excitement of unwrapping the Christmas presents kept you awake the whole night before? That is why! Around 45 % of surveyed people say they are more excited when receiving their order in a customized wrapping*.

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The Museum of Packaging also known as the Museum of Brands, Packaging and advertisement is located in London and open since 2005. Located within a 2 minutes’ walk from Portobello Road in Nothing Hill it has a collection of more than 12000 original objects, in particular household items as well as popular brand products etc. The museum shows the history and evolution of consumption since the Victorian era until nowadays.

Museum of Packaging
Museum of Packaging

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When it comes to packaging, the choice of special effects and ideas is pretty much unlimited. You can always experiment and try to create an original design for your products, complimenting them with a beautiful packaging item, Christmas wish card or special edition gift box.

Adding packaging to a gift makes the gesture even more special and leaves a great emotional impact on the receiver as they slowly stars to unwrap, unbox, unpack, until they get to the present itself.

packaging gift box
gift box

Excellent Christmas packaging designs all have one thing in common and it’s not snowflakes, red ribbons or Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. It’s a thoughtful look and feel.

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We are used to seeing these QR codes on many products including lunch boxes. What is their interest?

QR code
QR code

1. Provide more information about the product compared to an expensive advertising which lasts only 30 seconds
2. Identify the characteristics of the product (if the doll says yes, if she cries etc.) even downloading a video of its functioning. This prevents customer disappointment and returns

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