It is common to offer a bottle of wine when you are invited to a dinner, an event with family or with friends. However, usually the choice is difficult because the isles of supermarkets are offering hundreds of references very distinct but all at once very similar.
What is the key element while buying a bottle of wine?
It is the label of the bottle of wine in question; the consumer’s final decision is done in seconds and is based 80% on the look of the bottle, therefore from the label itself.
Since the law ‘Evin’, created on January 1991 in France, regulate the publicity of alcohol and does allow it in only certain media and through patronage.
How the label should look? What information should provide the label?

- Informative
- Clear-cut
- Indicate the grape variety
- The region
- Tasting notes
- Give instruction how to taste a wine
- Food to pair with the wine
The first-time buyer does not have a great knowledge of the wine world, still less of the grape variety and wine flavor. Then, the key factors at the time of purchase will be every little details that the customer could effortlessly notice and sometimes solely thanks to the aesthetic appearance of the bottle.
Thus, it is important for brands to ascertain potential clients and core target by foreseeing its social status, aspirations, needs and the context in which the wine will be consumed. According to all those details, the design of the wine label will match the scenarios.
In this way, major trends in 2021 for wine labels are: medieval style, classic and sumptuous.

Color trends of the moment are black, gildings, bright colors not only but also transparency with added textures and embossed designs in order to awaken the senses.
What is common ground between every styles possible is the importance of drawing attention from the consumer and to embody the identity of the brand.
Furthermore, wine sales are reinforced by the packaging.
Bags in Box (BiB) are the rising trend
This way of packaging wine, is becoming more trendy and chic. It used to be associated with low quality wine, Bags in Box rebuilt their image with higher quality wine, trendy packaging, and less wine to emphasize the fact that it is a high quality product. Bags in Box are also more eco-friendly and affordable, the wine can be store up to several weeks contrary to a classic glass bottle of wine.
To make the packaging even more playful, Brands are now putting QR codes that can be snapped with a phone to get to the website of the brand to discover a wealth of new information.
In that aspect, the quote from Alfred de Musset ‘’The bottle does not matter as much as the drunkenness’’ have never been so false.
If you are planning to create a new range of wines, please feel free to contact our team that will be more than happy to help you choose labels and packaging to a creative and economical level.