The climate change
The ecological emergency has become more prominent in recent years, with the introduction of daily essentials actions for the sake of our planet. First of all, at a political level with the creation of the 2015 Paris Agreement or the conduct of the G20 summit in Japan the 28th and 29th of June 2019, concerning the environment.
It is clear that by now the use of plastic is not as well perceived as in the past, in practical terms since the 50’s there are no less than 9 billion tons of plastic which have been produced : the equivalent of more than 80 million whales.
Nevertheless, companies are still reluctant to take a step towards this more ecological solution of industrial primary and secondary packaging, against a backdrop of dilemma between profitability and environmental impact.
What are the benefits of cardboard packaging?
- It effectively protects the product in the packaging during transport.
- Brings convenience not only but also, can cultivate an ‘eco-friendly’ corporate identity.
- Provides an exposure to the packaged product in aisles, with for example a secondary packaging on yogurts.
- It is versatile: it can be produced in any given shapes.
- It is ecological/ recyclable: 4 out of 5 packaging will be recycled, its valorization rate is 90%.
- Highly beneficial for e-commerce, since it performs the duties of a packaging and promotional tool.
Everyone has to play a part in the ecological transition favoring a world without plastic, however what are governments and leaders of the world doing as of now?
The project is certainly not immediately enforceable, still, overall governments are introducing plans against waste and pollution for future years.
The United-Kingdom, will over 25 years considerably decrease the use of plastic by banning single-use plastic utensils or even to compel supermarkets to have 100% free plastic aisles. Japan, internationally the largest producer of plastic per person, is putting in place legislation to reduce its plastic production by 25% for 2030. The French government is much more determined than its neighbors to eradicate the plastic of its landscape, for the reason that the EGalim law is providing no later than the 1st of January 2020 the ban of disposable plastic utensils. This project is obviously a collective effort, the European Union is currently passing a law forbidding 10 of the more polluting plastics in its territory.
It is important that each one of us actively participate in the global effort, but the stake of governments is to make responsible its companies as much as its citizens. Then, what are large corporations doing regarding the ecological transition?
- Aldi, discount giant, has scheduled to ban the use of plastic in its Australian stores for the purpose of the ‘positive packaging pledge’ campaign.
- SF BIO, first Swedish movie theatre chain, decided to sell paperboard gift cards instead of plastic gift cards.
- Apple, in 2017, introduced the ‘Paper and Packaging’ strategy and reduced by 84% plastic of its packaging for the IPhone 7 release.
- Jaden Smith created the ‘Just Water’ brand to sell water in recyclable carton in order to reduce plastic production.
- Dell, the software giant, from now on will send its computers in secondary paperboard packaging rather than in plastic.
- Starbucks, a large coffeeshop chain, stopped in July 2018 the use of plastic straws in its franchises.
For all those reasons, cardboard has become very trendy and a major asset for your brand, so please explore our section ‘Printed Products’ to discover what we offer and request for quotation for your future projects.